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Milcom Communications

Supporting local artists at Milcom!

To liven up our newly refurbished office space in Granville, we wanted to signify our move to a company that likes to mix things up a bit. Unfortunately none of us posess the artistic talent to paint anything more detailed than a polar bear in a snowstorm, so we decided to get some help. We contacted […]

Milcom telecommunications courses & certifications

Our new Granville premises!

We’ve moved! OK, so technically we moved a couple of months ago, but you know what it’s like when you move to a new place – it takes a while to get settled and we’ve all been flat out getting it ready. You’ll see us at Granville near the intersection of James Ruse Drive and […]

Crimping Tool - Cabling Courses

Don’t Forget Your Endorsements…

Many cablers have complied with the ACMA requirement to add Endorsements to their Open Registration for the various types of cable, but as a not-so-gentle reminder it’s important to remember that without the Endorsements, you’re not covered for installation of Structured Cable, Coaxial Cable or Fibre Optic Cable and there are substantial penalties that may apply […]

Office Meeting

We’re hiring!

Milcom Institute is on the lookout for exceptional candidates for the following positions: Melbourne, VIC Reporting Analyst Granville, NSW Customer Service Officer Trainer & Assessor (Mgmt & Bus) If you think you’ve got what it takes, come and join Team Milcom!

Commitment to Education

Here at Milcom, we’re used to changing environments and are always working hard to ensure we keep up in a very dynamic environment. We hope everyone has been able to keep up with our changes over the past few months, we’re not looking at slowing down! In keeping with our commitment to education, we figured […]


Our new logo!

It’s our second attempt at a new logo over the last 6 months, but we reckon we’ve got it right this time – what do you think? Someone once said to me the sign of a good logo is one where you can draw it with a pen and it’s still easily recognisable. You might need […]

cable registration license

Traineeship Opportunity

From time to time, we do get companies that indicate they are getting busy and would like to take on new workers under a Traineeship (like an Apprenticeship). If you are interested in signing up for a Traineeship, receiving a mix of on-the-job training as well as attending classroom based training courses, please call Luke […]

Environmentally Sustainable eLearning Course

Implement and Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices BSBSUS301A is available as a convenient eLearning course. This unit applies to those with responsibility for a specific area of work or who lead a work group or team. It addresses the knowledge, processes and techniques necessary to implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices, including the development […]


Introducing Our New Website Design

After many weeks of development our website makeover is complete. This is part of Milcom’s Digital Improvement Program that involves greater accessibility to information and an improved student experience. Watch this space for more releases as we roll out our new and improved Student Management System! If you identify any technical issues or errors, please […]