Courses - Milcom

Course Category: E-Learning

Showing 1-10 of 18 results

Optical Fibre Hygiene and splicing (NBN Skill 9 & 13)

These units describes the skills and knowledge required to Inspect, clean, splice and terminate optical fibre cable within an optical telecommunications transmission environment for new installations or upgrades of an optical backbone or access network, to achieve greater bandwidth and capacity required by emerging technology convergence for next generation networks…

Fibre Hygiene (NBN skill 9 & 29)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to inspect and clean optical fibre connectors and to follow handling and placement practices for optical fibre patch leads and cables. It relates to practices necessary in the installation and patching of fibre for new or replacement cables in switching, transmission and…

Combined Pit and Pipe and Cable Hauling

The growth of nbn Australia and other private operators has revolutionized the Cable hauling domain and cable hauling equipment industry. The demand for skilled professional workers who understand installing underground infrastructure and associated cabling is on the rise day by day. There will be a massive demand in the times…

Cable Hauling

This course is designed for participants to achieve the required performance outcomes‚ skills and knowledge to haul underground cable, involving installation and recovery of cables, including multi-pair, coaxial and optical fibre in access networks or customer premises, in line with current Telstra standards. It applies to technical staff who install…

Pit and pipe

This course is designed for participants to achieve the required performance outcomes‚ skills and knowledge to install telecommunication pits and conduits, including customer lead ins. Participants will also learn the remediation of existing damaged or undersize pits. It applies to technical staff who install underground infrastructure for new and upgraded…

Alarm Installation

A security alarm system installation helps detect intrusion, like unauthorized entry, into a building or other private areas such as a home, school, factory or office space. Modern commercial alarm systems have a variety of configurations, integration capabilities, and applications. Some may cover smaller business types and get by with…

CCTV Installation

CCTV cameras play a significant role in ensuring the safety of premises. It is quite common for us to come across them at schools, colleges, shops, ATMs, banks, offices, factories, and homes. But it is not a simple task unless you undertake a CCTV installation course before getting into the…

FTTC course: NBN eNable Skills 1,2,3,5,16 and 9

This course is designed for telecommunication technicians who are looking to work on nbn Fibre to the curb(FTTC) network. After completing this course telecommunication workers achieve nbn enable skills 1,2 ,3, 5 and 16 (Skill 9 in Victoria Only). This course describes the skills and knowledge required to jumper metallic…

Power Awareness Refresher

Power Awareness Refresher Course This is a follow-on course for the Initial Power Awareness course. It is aimed at people who are required to work in the vicinity of live electrical apparatus while running or maintaining communications cables on electricity supply industry structures. This course will give you the knowledge…