This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to inspect and clean optical fibre connectors and to follow handling and placement practices for optical fibre patch leads and cables. It relates to practices necessary in the installation and patching of fibre for new or replacement cables in switching, transmission and fixed and mobile radio networks.
It applies to lines workers, technicians or jointers working for carriers and/or service providers. It also applies towork performed under direction of the relevant authority.
Delivery mode
This course will be delivered in one of the MILCOM training centres or at a mutually convenient and suitable location, for a sufficiently large group of participants.
Duration: 1 Day Face to Face
Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing this course, you will be able to
- inspect fibre connectors using inspection scopes
- clean connectors using approved methods
- handle optical fibre cable and connectors to prevent damage
- complete patching according to patching schedule and under the direction of the relevant authority
- follow work health and safety (WHS) requirements and anti-static precautions
- follow required practices or contingency plan if hardware replacement is unsuccessful
- recognising cable and connector types used for DPU integration
- FTTC Fibre skills relevant to swapping out a DPU
- restore site to required condition
On successful completion, the student can gain NBN enable accreditation for skill
On successful completion, the student can gain NBN enable accreditation for skill 9
For successful completion of this course, you need to complete and demonstrate competency in one unit of competency:
ICTTEN318 – Inspect, clean and handle optical fibre cable and connectors
Certificate of Completion for nbn002-Fibre hygiene and testing