Study in Australia | Enrol for Telecommunication & Business Courses



  1. 1. Apply for course enrolment on APPLICATION FORM.
  2. 2. Receive an Offer Letter and Enrolment Agreement to accept and sign.
  3. 3. Pay invoiced fee.
  4. 4. MILCOM applies for OSHC health cover.
  5. 5. Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) is sent to student.
  6. 6. Student applies for Visa.
  7. 7. Once Visa is issued, Milcom Institute confirms commencement date and enters future student details (name, birth date and overseas address) into the student management system.
  8. 8. Student reports to Administration Officer at Milcom Institute on the commencement date.
  9. 9. If the student does not arrive within 5 business days of the scheduled commencement date, Milcom Institute will notify the relevant government department via PRISMs of student default. If the student subsequently commences the course, Milcom Institute will notify the relevant government department via PRISMs that the student has commenced. If the student does not commence the course, the student’s enrolment will be cancelled. For further information in respect to student defaults and cancellations, please refer to the Milcom Institute Enrolment Policy.
  10. 10. When a student arrives on the specified date, the student will complete the orientation process. Students are provided with:
    1. (a) A copy of the Student Information Sheet
    2. (b) Student Handbook
    3. (c) A copy of the Student Enrolment Checklist
    4. (d) A copy of the Student Profile form to complete
    5. (e) Apply for Unique Student Identifier (USI)
  11. 11. The student completes the Student Profile form providing their contact details including student names, Date of Birth (D.O.B.), current residential address, emergency contact details and email address. Students will also be advised that these details need to be kept up to date.
  12. 12. Once the Student Profile form has been completed, the details are entered into the Student Management System as well as
    1. (a) the student’ status is changed from FUTURE to CURRENT and
    2. (b) the student’s enrolment date is updated
    3. (c) the student is allocated to the classes selected a timetable is then issued to the student.
  13. 13. The student then commences their studies with Milcom Institute.

Who we’ve worked with

study in Australia Philippines

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