BSB40520-Certificate IV in Leadership and Management - Milcom

BSB40520-Certificate IV in Leadership and Management

    The BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management reflects the role of individuals working as developing and emerging leaders and managers in a range of enterprise and industry contexts. As well as assuming responsibility for their own performance, individuals at this level provide leadership, guidance and support to others. They also have some responsibility for organising and monitoring the output of their team. They apply solutions to a defined range of predictable and unpredictable problems, and analyse and evaluate information from a variety of sources. This qualification delivers learning outcomes in management skills in work, health and safety, principles of customer service, administration, marketing, project management, communication, financial and business planning, team building, workplace operations, conflict resolution and risk management.

    Funding, Incentives and Subsidies

    MILCOM is approved for a range of government funding programs in a number of States and Territories. Contact us on 1300 369 320 to find out whether this program is available under funding and whether you may be eligible.

    Course Duration

    This qualification is delivered face-to-face at the MILCOM training centre over 580 hours in 42 weeks  (not including holiday breaks).

    Mode of delivery

    Learners will work through course material with a trainer and complete assessments during class and during non-class allocated time. Classes may be scheduled at alternative, mutually convenient and suitable locations and contextualised for a sufficiently large group of participants.
    MILCOM ensures to satisfy the requirement of amount of learning and AQF volume of learning for this course which includes all teaching, learning and assessment activities that are required to be undertaken by the learner to achieve the learning outcomes.

    Your Career

    This course provides you with the skills and knowledge to undertake job roles such as:

    • Coordinator
    • Leading Hand
    • Supervisor
    • Team Leader


    After achieving the BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management, candidates may undertake a range of other Diploma qualifications.

    Entry Requirements

    There are no entry requirements for this qualification. Applicant will be required to successfully complete an ACSF language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) assessment.

    Expression of Interest

    Send an email to [email protected] including your contact details to express your interest in this course, and we will get in touch to discuss your options with you.

    Learning Outcomes

    After completion of this course and all assessments, you will be issued with the Nationally Recognised Qualification BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management.After successfully completing this course, you will be able to

    Communicate effectively as a leader
    Show leadership
    Lead teams and workplace relationships
    Promote innovation and continuous improvement

    Units of Competency

    The BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management requires 12 units (5 Core and 7 Electives):

    BSBLDR411 – Demonstrate leadership in the workplace
    BSBLDR413 – Lead effective workplace relationships
    BSBXCM401 – Apply communication strategies in the workplace
    BSBOPS402 – Coordinate business operational plans
    BSBXTW401 – Lead and facilitate a team
    BSBWHS411 – Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs
    BSBCRT411 – Apply critical thinking to work practices
    BSBCRT412 – Articulate, present and debate ideas
    BSBLDR412 – Communicate effectively as a workplace leader
    BSBPEF502 – Develop and use emotional intelligence
    BSBPMG430 – Undertake project work
    BSBSTR401 – Promote innovation in team environments
    Based on 122 reviews
    OPEN Reg completed and passed. Great staff. Well worth your time.
    Great experience so far. Some add on short courses should be added so students can get maximum required courses under one roof.
    Great training organisation, all the staff here are super friendly and professional. The trainer was great, very knowledgeable, super helpful, he was funny as well which made the class less boring. Got the certificate within a week, thank you milcom I'll be back for my refresher courses 🙂
    Friendly staff, good teachers that make learning fun and easy.
    Excellent for person that wants to start a new career. Teacher and staff are very helpful. Would recommend highly.

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